Friday, August 10, 2012

exposing injustices committed against me in canada

Canna Bis 21 minutes ago hallo berlin world! and today as we remember how a very NAZI canada who plots and schemes like mad nearly destroyed the loving bond between four people (i think we ALLLLL know who they are now), and also, the PEACEFULL BALANCE BOND on the planet!!! so what if youre a whole country, NEVER *EVER* mess with LOVE!!!!!! ESPECIALLY "TRUE LOVE"(whatever you want to call it :P)!!!! the ENTIRE WORLD is sic k and tired of your use of "vocal puppetry tactics" to ruin every important aspect of my life including love, life, memories, and skills/talents (anything worth anything!)... HOW MANY VICTIMS HAVE THERE BEEN BEFORE ME, HUH!?!?!?! *****I AM THE VERY LAST*******!!!!! WE ARE SICK OF "TOP SECRET BULLSHIT" AND THE ENTIRE WORLD KNOWS WHAT HAS TRANSPIRED HERE. DONT *EVER* try to act innocent, stupid mother fucking *POWER PEOPLE*!!!!!! AND DONT *EVER* TRY TO BRAINWASH PEOPLE, MOTHER FUCKING *POWER PEOPLE* YOU ARE CONDEMNED FOR ALL ETERNITY AT OUR HANDS (witchcraft ritual of EQUALITY, TRUTH, AND (F)REEDOM takes place soon, feast your eyes world!) AT THIS POINT, CANADA, YOUR FATE IS WITH THE HIGHEST BEING OF ALL EXISTANCES! since there were so many laws and bullshit in our world that would prevent us from giving you the fate you deserve with our bare hands, perhaps NATURE will burn you for what youve done (not only to me but to many others here)? HMPH!!!!! ...and if you ever DID ruin my whole life *FOREVER* or keep continuously trying to set up an artificial "jail or dead" scenarios/ambushes (whether mental or PHYSICAL- former leads to latter as we know) with your people puppeting by giving and/or playing OVERLY FUCKING DRAMATIC sounds and/or speech in combination with "leading people in LIE circles (diversions/diversion tactics as COURTS call em!)", with the drugs consumed, then, just know, because i have been to so many parties, cities, and countries all over the world (yay nederland germany uk belgium luxembourg switzerland poland czech america and australia!!!!!- this should save me if theres ever any questioning that canada wasnt the mastermind but another country :P), like you once tried to make the sickest joke about, then you DESERVE to get the most merciless payback ever known to the most powerful righteous god of the all existances!!! ...otherwise, you shall be punished accordingly, but still punished.... NEVER FORGET WHAT ENORMOUS STRIFE youve caused THE WHOLE WORLD ***JUST BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO FORCE PEOPLE TO WORK LIKE THE ROTTEN NAZI SLAVEDRIVERS YOU ARE!!!!*** lousy reason to have the planet on the brink of WAR isnt it now, canada/parents!?!?!??! both parties are completely guilty of quite LITERALLY "*ACTS* OF TREASON" against a quite literally "poor" kid who was in love! -"you have to follow the truth, or the truth will get you someday. I, Cid, pursue truth! when constant diversions or truths are used against you to keep your mind running in circles, and you are trying to focus on one experience/memory of your life that proves your "deluders" GUILTY, you can be POSITIVE that people are out to get you. it took me a long time to solve this about canada (and whoever else may be on the other side of those phones/speakers/laptops held by the people around me all the time (through many different countries-but in those it was positive experience unlike with canadas people!) though. and btw- instant constant recall ability= ETERNAL PROOF, i gift ALL LIVING BEINGS IN ALL EXISTANCES WITH THIS RIGHTEOUS ABILITY!!!" ---RIGHTEOUS RAGE--- +8) Like · · Unfollow Post · Share Canna Bis LOUSY DICKWEED COUNTRY CANADA!!!! i have every reason to respect my parents above any other canadian (except my friends) because the people with too much power and awareness and knowledge in your country keep trying to mess up my life and everyone knows it now! we are going to have to take you down for abusing your powers and men with power in such ways!!! HMPH, the world says! 20 minutes ago · Like

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