Wednesday, March 23, 2011



Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Well for the first time in my life I finally experienced what it was like to be high! I once again went to archaic to grace its citizens with my presents (and presence)...

It was awesome, I was seeing things like spaceships and houses on fire, and time was running slow! But, so I dont have to retype the same things again, look at first pic for a brief summary of what I experienced while high if you give a fuck (you likely dont)

And in the last pic, you see the faggot syao has been putting in complaints about me to his host >_> He used to be such a nice guy, but I guess everyone changes for the worse at some point in thier life. Even though I shall find a new place to hang out when high or drunk for the meantime, rest assured syao you faggot, you havent seen the last of me! (even if your forum has) >:)

Anyways, the ever-so-fascinating photos of posts I was making while stoned for the first time in my life:

NOTICE: ehh... ill finish this post when im not so lazy... uploading so many pics is such a pain in the ass...